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100% natural ice cream

Handmade from completely natural ingreidents

Discover Frida's divine ice cream.

Aunt Frida’s commitment to 100% natural ingredients applies to our delicious ice cream as well. That’s how we have been satisfying your sweet tooth for years with 100% natural ice creams with no artificial food coloring, no flavor enhancers, no chemical preservatives or any other additives (for lubrication, airiness and shelf life durability), and obviously no trans fats.

Set in northeastearn Slovenia, Aunt Frida is the only one in this area, which produces 100% natural ice cream. We have been one of the first companies in the world to do this. Natural ice cream is our true passion!

Did you know that almost every ice cream parlour in Slovenia uses powder to produce its ice cream?

Their »homemade ice cream« has nothing to do with real homemade ice cream. :) Together with powder for basic taste, they also add artificial flavor enhancers and food coloring and other additives (for lubrication, airiness and shelf life durability) to enhance their ice cream’s »quality«. That’s why their ice cream is so voluminous and fluffy but it doesn’t weigh much – their big scoops are basically full or air!

Natural ice cream is not like this: it weighs more but it is smaller in volume. This is because we ony use fresh fruit, which is different every day in sweetness, ripeness and softness. More importantly, at Aunt Frida you won’t get huge scoops that are basically full of air. Instead, you will get to taste the best natural ingredients all blended in a delicious, fresh frozen cream, which you won’t forget easily.

Aunt Frida’s ice cream isn’t mixed with powders, flavor enhancers, lubricants, airiness enhancers and food colouring. Instead, they’re exclusively produced only from natural ingredients.

When you try Aunt Frida’s ice cream, firstly you’ll taste the freshness of its ingredients - just as if you were biting a ripe fruit from your garden – and then its mouth-watering flavor will kick in. You won’t feel that odd sugary taste that is typical of »powdered« ice cream.

At Aunt Frida we produce more than 30 different flavors (they’re too many of them for one single display freezer!). That’s why Frida also offers TO GO ice cream, which is always available to satisfy your sweet tooth. Spoil yourself with your favorite 100% natural ice cream wherever you go.

What is so special about Aunt Frida’s ice cream?

  • It's made only from 100% natural ingredients.
  • It doesn’t contain any artificial flavor enhancers or food coloring, only fresh fruit, nuts and bourbon vanilla.
  • It doesn’t contain any stabilisers, thickeners or chemical preservatives.
  • It doesn’t contain any trans fats, but only fresh milk and Slovenian cream.
  • Selected ice creams are also made from gluten-free and lactose-free ingredients.

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